About us?
We are a group made up of people who carry out various activities as coaches., therapists, volunteering or students of ACIM and that we share the concern of joining efforts to help the progress of people and society in general.
This coincidence of sensitivities has made us come together to achieve a common goal:
Contribute to raising Consciousnessessence of humanity
Why did we generate this initiative??
Humanity is living a turbulent moment, with a planet Earth punished by human action, with unsustainable resource consumption, with a new war conflict in the East and with a lack of values such as love, share, empathy or help to the most disadvantaged.
At the moment, where the level of consciousness is very low, the critic of in return, sustain us or prevent us from being even worse, various groups or organizations, Spiritual Teachers or Communicators who strive to generate a transformation of people's attitudes and behaviors to guide them in Love, but it's not enough, We must incorporate many more people in these tasks to change the current course of Humanity.
We need to accelerate the transformation to a better world
What will we do
Perform a meditation, prayer or extension carried out collectively and guided by Masters or Teachers, that generates a high vibration and an intense connection with the Being.
To guarantee that the benefits of this collective Meditation are consolidated in society, We will repeat it in the future as another practice that contributes to elevating the Consciousness of Humanity.
Why have we chosen this method
We wanted it to be a simple process, that anyone could do from home.
We have chosen meditation because during its execution we can reach high vibrational frequencies such as love or peace and this is what we need..
The higher the level of the meditator, the better., yes ok, We want anyone who wants to participate because there will always be a Master who will guide the participants in the Meditation..
Background that we have valued,
From the earliest times of humanity, the human race organizes and groups with the purpose of achieving common objectives (p.e. good crops) and he has done it by asking the gods of the time. Therefore, it can be interpreted that we carry collective collaboration in our DNA beyond the material..
There are experiences of collective meditations (Maharishi method) with empirically obtained results, that have shown how the meditations impacted the environment where the meditation groups were located and did so by reducing crime and delinquency rates that are governed by low vibrations and also, after meditations, Higher levels of collaboration and empathy were consolidated in society than before the meditations..
Both in the previous method and by the studies carried out by Dr David R. Hawkins, It is concluded that a small number of people meditating with high vibration, They compensate thousands of people who have low vibration.
Other benefits of this action:
* The practice of meditation is enhanced and that is good
and necessary for a better society.
* Has a positive impact on physical and emotional health
of who practices it.
* Finally, by generating benefits for others,
gives the meditator an improvement in his self-esteem,
humility and gratitude and that raises consciousness to
nivel individual.
How will we do it.
To achieve a noticeable impact, We require that there be a high number of participants in the Meditation and we have considered it appropriate to address Teachers and Spiritual Leaders or Communicators oriented to spirituality and who have followers through Social Networks. This allows us to impact a potential of millions of people., who have a profile with sensitivity and receptivity to carry out a Meditation with an objective as clear as the one we propose. Besides, In many cases they already participate in guided meditations so the process will be simple.
The steps will be:
Make the Teachers and Spiritual Guides aware of the initiative so that they can join.
We will select a day and time to carry out the Meditation that we will communicate to everyone. We will do it with enough time to fit into the agendas.
The Masters will inform their followers of the selected date.
On the chosen day and time, The Master will carry out the guided meditation aimed at achieving a high vibration and energy according to his criteria and habitual practice..
In order to measure impacts we ask Teachers to send us to email contacto@extenderconsciencias.com, the number of participants “connected” during the Meditation.